Why Car Guy Hates Bikers?
India is the world’s largest two-wheeler market. Two-wheelers far outnumber four-wheelers on the highways. There are a lot of boring things that most Indian bikers do. We bring you ten reasons why motorists hate motorcyclists in India.
Growth Retardation
Many Indian bikers indulge in stunting. The most annoying part of stunting is that they do it on public roads, sometimes on busy city streets. While it may be fascinating for some to see them perform stunts, it is very dangerous for other road users.
The stunts attract attention, and other motorists may have an accident while watching these racers perform. In addition, the stunts can go wrong and injure other travelers or pedestrians.
Wrong way
Due to the compact size of motorcycles, many riders take the wrong turn on the road. Many bikers do this because the wrong path is shorter or because it’s easier to go the wrong way. Many bikers jump over the dividers when they detect a traffic jam and continue riding on the wrong road. It is extremely dangerous and inconvenient for other road users to approach oncoming motorcyclists at high speed.
Weave through traffic

Many motorcyclists like to avoid speeding, which embarrasses and surprises other motorists. Many bikers cross small gaps and change lanes to pass other vehicles. While this may look fun for bikers, it is extremely annoying for other vehicles. The unpredictable nature can also cause accidents. Most bikers follow their habit of weaving in city traffic and on the highway.
Hit the mirrors and go
One of the most annoying things motorcyclists do is squeeze through the gap between two cars. To keep going, many runners hit ORVMs and then walk away, even without recognizing the roughness. These bikers come out of nowhere, hit the mirrors, and drive off. This is one of the reasons why many motorists fold their mirrors in traffic, which is not at all safe.
Driving on sidewalks and causing traffic jams

Many bikers ride up sidewalks with both wheels if traffic is slow or a traffic jam. These bikers overtake and try to find the road, which causes a new traffic jam. Although riding a motorcycle on the sidewalk is illegal, many bikers use the road to save time and cause huge traffic jams.
Jump Dividers
If there’s no break in the divider, it was designed for a reason. No, motorcyclists don’t feel that. Many riders jump the splitters to take a turn, which is tight.
Skipping the divider stops traffic on both sides of the road. It also causes a lot of chaos because no one expects a motorcycle to go over a wall and come to the other side. Sometimes during traffic jams, motorcyclists jump over the dividers and ride on the wrong side, causing a traffic jam on the other road.
Change lanes without Signaling or looking back
Most riders remove their mirrors for aesthetic reasons. These motorcyclists tend to change lanes without giving direction to the vehicle behind them. They don’t even look back to see if the way is clear. This is very dangerous as a speeding vehicle may not slow down in time and hit the motorcyclist.
Chat while driving

It’s more annoying when two bikers walk slowly, talking to each other. They take up the entire lane and stop traffic behind. Although many ride in groups, nothing can beat the talking motorcyclists who ride on Indian roads.
Skip the queues and pile up in front
Bikers love to overtake, and their urge to do such increases when the light turns red. Most motorcyclists skip the red light queues and pile in later. This also causes traffic to slow down. Most bikers also take the wrong turn on undivided highways to avoid the queue.
Take the space that cars leave between them.”
Many motorcyclists place their front wheels in the space between two cars and occupy the space in between. It is extremely embarrassing and massively slows down traffic. Bikers also change lanes as soon as they see vehicles in the other lane begin to move, causing that lane to drop even further in speed.
Why are bikers so aggressive?

Everyone knows about road rage. It’s been featured in TV shows, movies, and even video games, but what is the psychology behind the phenomenon of road rage, and what causes road rage and aggressive driving in motorcyclists and other road users?
Dr. Leon James, a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii, believes that the tendency for road rage is cultivated from childhood. . “Drivers are socialised on a roadway of animosity rather than mutual support and harmony,” James explains. “I call the back seat of the car a road rage nursery.” From childhood in the car and front of the television, we are prepared for competitive use on the road.
Road rage and motorbike/motorbike safety
We decided to get more information from the side of bike instructors about road rage experienced by motorcyclists, and in particular, rage and aggressive driving behavior directed at ,motorcyclists. We did this by asking Hein Jonker of BikeTalk a few questions:
Do you think road users, in general, are courteous enough to different modes of transport?
I think you said it in your question, “pretty polite,” emphasizing “enough.” If road users were courteous enough, we would see a huge drop in multi-vehicle crashes on our roads today. So the answer is a loud NO. All road users are busy with some distracting factors, such as personal circumstances and social and work-related pressure, resulting in a displayed attitude towards other people/road users, regardless of the mode of transportation. Through these distractions, most of us are so self-centered, dare I say self-centered, that when something or someone dares enter our little comfort bubble, we either burst or overreact. We have a lot of work in this area and a long way to go.
Would it be true that traffic congestion adds to motorists’ frustration with bikers passing them?
It is a known fact, at least for some, that traffic congestion plays a very important role in the behavior and attitude of road users. Strangely, those who show an attitude of envy or jealousy when others cross paths with them in life or professional achievements, etc., are the first to react or get angry when a motorcyclist passes them while they are stuck in traffic and left behind; A strange but true analogy. It takes discipline and a lot of self-control not to get frustrated with traffic jams. Then when another, simpler mode of transportation passes by, leaving the noisy pipes out, for now, it just adds to the excitement factor for those who lack these qualities.
What other factors do you think might be contributing to this hatred and frustration?
Oh, this sheet of paper may be too small to list all of the possible contributing factors, but let me highlight a few key factors; bikers and motorcyclists are not excluded:
- Arrive late
- Concealment is ensured by a closed vehicle.
- Disregard for others and the law.
- Chronic or compulsive anger
- Traffic jams caused by road construction without work in progress
- stress-related circumstances; work or personal
- A feeling of disrespect from other road users
- Wanting to keep control of a situation in which one fears losing control
- Extreme weather conditions
- Exaggerated attitude towards poor driving skills of others.
- Low level of traffic law enforcement
- Perceiving one’s vehicle (car or bike) as an extension of oneself, i.e., the state
What types of driving behavior do you think non-motorcyclists might find disturbing?

If you have never ridden a motorbike or a bicycle, you will never understand why we chose this mode of transport. There are now more than a few bad elements among us who completely disregard others, even their own. Here are a few items that would have me running for a chill pill:
The famous “buzz” when a motorcycle passes quickly and too close to another vehicle
“Noisy pipes save lives,” a belief among some motorcyclists, but a nuisance and sometimes a medical threat to others that could lead to a series of fatal events.
- Separate lanes or avoid speeding
- Getting too close when overtaking
- Bottoming out and overspeeding
- bullying another road user
- Poor traffic control by a pair tee of sheriffs and motorcycle security guards
What are the typical reactions of agitated road users that could threaten the safety of our cyclists/motorcyclists?
First, any reaction of another road user using their vehicle to threaten and injure another road user, regardless of the mode of transport, is a criminal offense. Road users in cars, trucks, etc. They must realize how vulnerable motorcyclists are on the road and how quickly any reaction on their part can affect the safety of not only the motorcyclist but also other road users. It doesn’t matter how justified you feel at the time; Don’t even think about it. He’s a person, not a machine!
Typical responses or reactions are:
- Hitting the brakes with or without reason
- Forcing a motorcyclist/cyclist off the roadway or lane
- Try cutting them or speeding them up when they pass.
- Throw objects at them
- Stopping too close behind a motorcyclist, especially small capacity motorcycles or scooters
With the rise in fuel prices, we find many more motorcyclists on the roads. Would you say that experienced bikers are better equipped to share the roads safely with other modes of transport? Why would I say that?
In a way, yes, but what defines an experienced rider: a rider who has completed several rider training courses over the last 5 years and who rides in today’s traffic climate, or a biker who has been riding for many years but is more accustomed to the traffic climate of the 80s and 90s? I define an experienced bikers by his ability to avoid an accident, deal with all types of traffic or all the driving conditions that our roads could throw at him, and complete a series of cycling training courses beyond the advanced level. In this case, they are better able to read and react, more focused and driven with a more disciplined attitude. For this reason, this type of motorcyclist is a safer and better “shared on the road” motorcyclist. Young rider, the most mature or oldest rider; the attitude towards others determines the result, then the experience follows.
What recommendations would you offer cyclists/motorcyclists to avoid becoming the cause of aggressive driving behavior?

My fellow travelers, friends, and family, we only have one life: One Ride! Traffic conditions may not improve, and laws may not change, but people will. Change starts with me! Here are some tips that can start the process of change:
- Increase your visibility, wear brightly colored clothing and drive with your high beams on
- Drive defensively, increase the safety zone around you and keep it that way.
- Increase and maintain a safe reaction after the distance
- Be aware they probably aren’t “Thinking Bike,” so you “Think Car.”
- Take action but don’t react to the behavior of other road users or ‘speakers’ as we call them.
- Do not follow
- Don’t block the way
- Use your gauge and use your horn sparingly.
- No aggressive language, abusive hand gestures, and no kicking cars.
- Leave your competitiveness for the track.
- Don’t react to another driver’s rude behavior; avoid eye contact, which can be seen as aggressive.
- Don’t be tempted to start a fight or draw any weapon.
Above all, you must remain calm and focused. Any aggressive behavior on your part can and will only cost you dearly. The question is: can you afford it?
What would be the most important information/thoughts that Bike Talk would like to leave in the minds of both bikers/drivers to ensure greater harmony in sharing our routes? We can try, but ultimately, the person reading this decides if they want to “take control” and start the change process.
Reality: You can spot an aggressive driver by the way they get in and out of traffic, drive too fast on congested roads, get too close, yell at you, or use obscene gestures. They are a new type of road hazard. Let’s face it, each of us has gotten mad while driving or riding a bike at one point or another. In today’s hectic and fast-paced world, getting frustrated is easy, and more and more people are venting their anger while driving. Avoid the consequences of road rage by at least trying to follow these guidelines shared in this article.
Speed is the cause of almost a third of fatal car accidents. Excess speed reduces the time a road user has to avoid an accident or dangerous situation and greatly increases the likelihood that the accident will be serious. To slow down!

Apply a few, and I guarantee it will make a big difference to your daily road use experience:
- Don’t forget to be careful.
- Don’t try to pass; just pass when you know you can.
- You must drive a lot if you think you’re a good driver. If you drive a lot, remember that the odds are stacked against you to avoid an accident.
- Pay attention!
- Nobody drives like you.
- Don’t hit anything. Anything!
- Turn signals and mirrors are tools. Please do not use them because it is the law or to request a maneuver; Use them to your advantage.
- If you get too close, I know you can’t drive that you assume the other road user is as good as you.
- Please do what you want, but don’t do it to me.
People Also Ask:
Why do some motorists hate cyclists?
“My theory is that motorists despise bicycles because they believe they violate the moral order,” British psychotherapist Tom Stafford writes. Motorists get angry when they think cyclists get away with breaking society’s agreed rules.
Why do people choose bikes over cars?
The time saved by a cyclist at a toll stop is enormous, even more so in crowded places during rush hour. 5) Affordability: Bikes are cheaper than cars and offer better performance while being lighter to use. If you want to go from 0 to 100 km/h in less than 6 seconds, you will have to pay at least Rs.
Why do people hate bikers?
Most people who hate bikers are judgmental, careless, stupid in how they judge others, and quick to judge. If a Porsche passes them, they want to be in that Porsche. And if not, they’ll hate Porsches, but they can’t ask for more police checking cars; they’re in a car. Motorbikes are different enough to be hated and wished for death without any inconvenience to you, and it can create prejudice as you don’t ride, and there is much to envy.
Why do drivers hate motorcycles?
They mostly don’t unless they split into lanes, which is only legal in California. The rest of the time, they don’t care one way or another.